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Evan is a cinematographer based in NYC
Evan Feng, Cinematographer
- Zhili (Evan) Feng, Cinematographer
- 2022 ASC Student Heritage Award Winner
- 2022 Camerimage Main Competition - Film and Art School Etudes Competition - Nominee
- 2023 Taipei Golden Horse Film Academy - Selected Cinematographer
- Zhili earned his BFA degree at Chapman University in 2021. He studied under mentors such as Bill Dill, ASC; Johnny Jensen, ASC; and Jurg Walter
- 2022 美国电影摄影师协会(ASC)传承奖得主
- 2022 波兰Camerimage 主竞赛 - 电影学院奖 - 提名
- 2023 金馬學院 - 入選攝影師
- 2021 年本科毕业于美国查普曼大学,师从Bill Dill, ASC; Johnny Jensen, ASC; Jurg Walther
After graduating, I was accepted as a cinematography fellow at AFI, a long-held dream of mine. After much consideration, I chose to decline the offer to continue my journey as a freelance cinematographer.
I dive right into shooting projects, learning as I went. By having the creative freedom, I can pursue projects that are unique and truly interest me and define my artistic voice.
Over the past two years, my career has taken me around the globe, shooting in Southeast Asia, North America, and Europe.
During this time, I have completed two feature films that are now in post-production and have worked on several commercials and narrative/fashion shorts.
My approach to cinematography is impressionistic; I aim to enhance reality and use visual language to evoke emotions in the audience.
My passion is rooted in narrative filmmaking, but my experience spans across various formats including fashion films and documentaries. To me, the format is secondary to the story—the true essence lies in powerful visual storytelling.
In 2024, I returned to the US to further my career as a cinematographer.
You can find me at: evanfengfilm@gmail.com